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Spiritual Mentorship

The Spiritual Mentorship programme is a walk with Teo into your soul journey over time. His guidance and perspectives will help how you are called on a daily level to perform with integrity and compassion. Your spiritual beliefs are honoured and clarified in your walk together with Teo on a consistent basis. All is required  is a commitment to 6 sessions within 6 months minimum time frame. There is magic within us and in our outer world that we choose not to perceive. Spiritual Mentorship with Teo can break the spell of the past allow presence to inform your present state of being with love and p presence.

Here are a few themes and gifts Radical Love has shown me these years of walking together in our magical forest of this container of consciousness known as Gaia. I offer all of these experiences with a full heart and an ecstatic joy.

  • Living an intuitive life free to act upon my knowing at will is MAGIC.

  • Magnificent growth and the cross fertilization of Love happening in the real world that I witness every day is MAGIC.

  • The inspiration to wake up to a new day even though you don’t know how you can make it is MAGIC.

  • Letting the day go that you just lived before closing your eyes to dream is MAGIC.

  • Trusting the Natural Laws of Life shown to us by NATURE is MAGIC.

  • Knowing that what was once considered a mistake is now framed into the positive medicine of growth be shared…that is MAGIC.

  • Being able to support my family and community through expressing my life-walk of purpose and commitment.  Here’s to allowing the every day free fall that life brings….is MAGIC


I Teo am now claiming all the MAGIC I can for my life’s containment.

Do you want to join me?

You are welcome to come aboard.
There is room on the broom!

$1512.00 USD per 6 sessions within 6 months pre paid (includes 5% Provincial Tax) This reflects a savings of 378.00. You may also agree to do a minimum 6 sessions in 6 months for 315.00 USD paid individually per 90 minute session.

This includes a 1 hour mentorship community circle mid month on Sunday morning via conference, with supportive texting and email services throughout your journey together.

After the session Teo will send the recording. When you receive your recording  link, down load into your home computer. Teo does not archive your session for privacy concerns

What people are saying:

"My experience working with Teo is one that I value highly in support of my growth and evolution as a soul experiencing life in a body. I feel more connected to my true essence and on my path.  He and his guides are spot on, and thorough!  Thank you, Teo, for bringing your wisdom and understanding to the table.  What a gift you are! "

Terra Mc Donald  Craniosacral Therapist, Core Belief Restructuring, Somatic Healing Arts

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